October 10th, 2019
Today I will talk about "Evidence for a Conserved Quantity in Human Mobility" at the "Networks Data and Society" Lab at the IT University of Copenhagen.
Today I will talk about "Evidence for a Conserved Quantity in Human Mobility" at the "Networks Data and Society" Lab at the IT University of Copenhagen.

October 9th, 2019
Our article "Wikipedia and Cryptocurrencies: Interplay Between Collective Attention and Market Performance" is published in Frontiers in Blockchain! CHECK IT OUT HERE
Our article "Wikipedia and Cryptocurrencies: Interplay Between Collective Attention and Market Performance" is published in Frontiers in Blockchain! CHECK IT OUT HERE

October 1st, 2019
Excited to announce I will be one of the invited speakers at COMPLENET'2020
Excited to announce I will be one of the invited speakers at COMPLENET'2020
October 9th, 2019
Excited to join "The MacArthur Workshop on Urban Modelling & Complexity Science" as an invited speaker. I will talk about "The scales of Human Mobility"
Excited to join "The MacArthur Workshop on Urban Modelling & Complexity Science" as an invited speaker. I will talk about "The scales of Human Mobility"
July 9th, 2019
Excited to join "International Workshop on Networks and Urban Systems" as an invited speaker. I will talk about "The scales of Human Mobility"
Excited to join "International Workshop on Networks and Urban Systems" as an invited speaker. I will talk about "The scales of Human Mobility"

June 18th, 2018
Our article "Evidence for a conserved quantity in human mobility" is published on Nature Human Behaviour!
The number of familiar locations an individual visits at any point is a conserved quantity (~25), and correlates with the number of social interactions.
Our article "Evidence for a conserved quantity in human mobility" is published on Nature Human Behaviour!
The number of familiar locations an individual visits at any point is a conserved quantity (~25), and correlates with the number of social interactions.
June 15th, 2018
Today, I present my work on "Random Walks on Activity-Driven Networks with Attractiveness" at Netsci 2018.
Today, I present my work on "Random Walks on Activity-Driven Networks with Attractiveness" at Netsci 2018.
March 1st, 2018
Very excited to join Sune Lehmann's team at the Copenhagen Centre for Social Data Science and DTU Technical University of Denmark as a postdoctoral researcher!
Very excited to join Sune Lehmann's team at the Copenhagen Centre for Social Data Science and DTU Technical University of Denmark as a postdoctoral researcher!

February 27, 2018
My talk on the "Dunbar's number in Human Mobility" at the ISI Foundation in Turin, Italy.
Thanks to the Data Science team and Laetitia Gauvin for hosting me!
My talk on the "Dunbar's number in Human Mobility" at the ISI Foundation in Turin, Italy.
Thanks to the Data Science team and Laetitia Gauvin for hosting me!

February 13, 2018
I will talk about 'The Dunbar's number in Human Mobility' at the Mobile and Social Computing Lab led by Bruno Lepri, within the FBK Foundation.
I will talk about 'The Dunbar's number in Human Mobility' at the Mobile and Social Computing Lab led by Bruno Lepri, within the FBK Foundation.
November 30, 2017
I am one of the speakers at DataBeers Warwick! |

November 15, 2017
Our paper "Evolutionary dynamics of the cryptocurrency market" is published on Royal Society Open Science!
Our paper "Evolutionary dynamics of the cryptocurrency market" is published on Royal Society Open Science!

October 12, 2017
Thanks to the organizers of DataBeers London for inviting me as a speaker!
It was great fun to talk about my work in front of a packed audience.
Thanks to the organizers of DataBeers London for inviting me as a speaker!
It was great fun to talk about my work in front of a packed audience.
September 19, 2017
I will talk about "The "Dunbar Number" in Human Mobililty at the Conference on Complex Systems 2017, Session 8G, 11 am.
I will talk about "The "Dunbar Number" in Human Mobililty at the Conference on Complex Systems 2017, Session 8G, 11 am.

September 17, 2017
Thanks to all participants of the CCS2017 Warmup school! Proud to be among the organizers of this successful event.
Thanks to all participants of the CCS2017 Warmup school! Proud to be among the organizers of this successful event.

July 30, 2017
Proud to be part of the team selected as for Best Summer School Project Award at the summer school on methods for Computational Social Science 2017!
May 25, 2017
Our article, "Random walks on activity-driven networks with attractiveness" has been published online today, 25 May 2017, in the 1 May 2017 issue of Physical Review E (Vol.95, No.5). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.95.052318
May 15, 2017
Check the Arxiv to know more about the Cryptocurrencies ecology: Our article Bitcoin is not alone: Quantifying and modeling the long-term dynamics of the cryptocurrency market is out!
May 15, 2017
City Uni Pint of Science events are sold out: See you at the Pub starting from tonight!
April 28, 2017
An other successful DATANATIVES at City University London! Thanks to all participants!
March 16, 2017
I'm excited to join the Computational Social Science Summer School in Sant'Antioco this summer. Thanks to the sponsors for covering my travelling and participation expenses!
January 23, 2017
How does heterogeneous nodes popularity affect the spreading of dynamical processes on temporal networks? Check out our latest work on the ArXiv: The interplay between activity and attractiveness on random walks in time-varying networks. (with Andrea Baronchelli, Kaiyuan Sun and Nicola Perra).
September 18, 2016
Are human displacements power-law or log-normal distributed? Have a look at our paper Multi-scale spatio-temporal analysis of human mobility on the Arxiv (with Andrea Baronchelli, Sune Lehmann, and Piotr Sapiezynski).
September 12, 2016
There exist a "Dunbar number" for geo-spatial behavior! Check out our paper Evidence for a Conserved Quantity in Human Mobility on the Arxiv (with Andrea Baronchelli, Sune Lehmann, and Piotr Sapiezynski).
July 13, 2016
My first journal paper is out! User-based representation of time-resolved multimodal public transportation networks with Marton Karsai and Laetitita Gauvin was published on the Royal Society Open Science.
June 20, 2016
I am honored to be selected as a Director’s Intern for the Summer 2016 internship program at the Information Sciences Institute.
May 19, 2016
I was awarded the People's choice award, at City University 3MT® competition. Watch the video of my presentation here!
May 6 , 2016
Many thanks to all 110 participants of DATANATIVES 2016 at City University London
May 2, 2016
Very excited to be one of the two new members YRNCS advisory board
April 8, 2016
I am honored to be selected for a summer internship at the Information Sciences Institute, California in the Machine Learning and Data Science Group to work with Emilio Ferrara and Aram Galstyan